For information on current and past CPS research projects, including people and related outputs, follow the links below.
Project archive
Art for Ages: Investigating the Benefits of Musical Experience on Older Adults’ Wellbeing, Gebert Rüf Stiftung (2015-17)
Community COVID: Combating Social Isolation through Creative and Community Engagement, AHRC (2020-21) UKRI»
Creative Practice as Mutual Recovery: Connecting Communities for Mental Health, AHRC (2013-18) UKRI»
Healthy Performer, AHRC (2019-20) UKRI»
HEartS: Health, Economic, and Social impact of the ARTs, AHRC (2018-21) UKRI»
HEartS Professional: Health, Economic, and Social Impact of COVID-19 on PROFESSIONALs in the ARTs, AHRC (2020-22) UKRI»
Listening Gallery: Integrating Music with Exhibitions and Gallery Displays, AHRC (2008-10) UKRI»
Loneliness and Social Isolation in Mental Health: A Network for Cross-disciplinary Collaboration and Capacity Development, ESRC (2018-23) UKRI»
Mapping Musical Movement: The Physical Expression of Musical Individuality, British Academy (2004-05)
Mastery through Imitation: What do Musicians Learn by Imitating Master Interpretations? Swiss National Science Foundation (2001-02)
MedTech SuperConnector, Research England (2018-21)
Music and Motherhood: The Impact of Creative Interventions on Symptoms of Postnatal Depression, Arts Council England (2015-17)
Musical Impact: A Study of Musicians’ Health and Wellbeing, AHRC (2013-18) UKRI»
Optimal Music Performance, Australian Research Council (2015-18)
ProMiMiC: Professional Excellence in Meaningful Music in Healthcare, Dutch Research Council (2019-23)
RCM Performance Laboratory, AHRC (2022-23) UKRI»
RCM Performance VR, AHRC (2023-24) UKRI»
Rhythm for Life: Music Making and Wellbeing Enhancement for Older Adults, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation (2010-12)
Sing with Us: A Study of the Effects of Singing for Cancer Patients and Their Carers, Tenovus Cancer Care (2016-18)
Songs from Home: Addressing Postnatal Depression and Loneliness through Online Songwriting, Loneliness and Social Isolation in Mental Health Network (2021-22)
TELMI: Technology Enhanced Learning of Musical Instrument Performance, Horizon 2020 (2016-19) DOI»
Valuing and Evaluating Music Performance, Swiss National Science Foundation (2019-22) SNSF»
ZikMus: Using Music to Meet the Psychosocial Needs of Families Affected by ZIKA Virus, British Academy (2019-22)
Zoning In: Motivating the Musical Mind, Leverhulme Trust (1999-02)