
For information on current and past CPS research projects, including people and related outputs, follow the links below.

Arts in the City


Music and Parental Wellbeing

Musical Care

Performing Science

Project archive

Art for Ages: Investigating the Benefits of Musical Experience on Older Adults’ Wellbeing, Gebert Rüf Stiftung (2015-17) 

Community COVID: Combating Social Isolation through Creative and Community Engagement, AHRC (2020-21) UKRI» 

Creative Practice as Mutual Recovery: Connecting Communities for Mental Health, AHRC (2013-18) UKRI» 

Healthy Performer, AHRC (2019-20) UKRI»

HEartS: Health, Economic, and Social impact of the ARTs, AHRC (2018-21) UKRI» 

HEartS Professional: Health, Economic, and Social Impact of COVID-19 on PROFESSIONALs in the ARTs, AHRC (2020-22) UKRI» 

Listening Gallery: Integrating Music with Exhibitions and Gallery Displays, AHRC (2008-10) UKRI» 

Loneliness and Social Isolation in Mental Health: A Network for Cross-disciplinary Collaboration and Capacity Development, ESRC (2018-23) UKRI» 

Mapping Musical Movement: The Physical Expression of Musical Individuality, British Academy (2004-05) 

Mastery through Imitation: What do Musicians Learn by Imitating Master Interpretations? Swiss National Science Foundation (2001-02) 

MedTech SuperConnector, Research England (2018-21)

Music and Motherhood: The Impact of Creative Interventions on Symptoms of Postnatal Depression, Arts Council England (2015-17) 

Musical Impact: A Study of Musicians’ Health and Wellbeing, AHRC (2013-18) UKRI» 

Optimal Music Performance, Australian Research Council (2015-18)

ProMiMiC: Professional Excellence in Meaningful Music in Healthcare, Dutch Research Council (2019-23)

RCM Performance Laboratory, AHRC (2022-23) UKRI» 

RCM Performance VR, AHRC (2023-24) UKRI» 

Rhythm for Life: Music Making and Wellbeing Enhancement for Older Adults, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation (2010-12) 

Sing with Us: A Study of the Effects of Singing for Cancer Patients and Their Carers, Tenovus Cancer Care (2016-18) 

Songs from Home: Addressing Postnatal Depression and Loneliness through Online Songwriting, Loneliness and Social Isolation in Mental Health Network (2021-22)  

TELMI: Technology Enhanced Learning of Musical Instrument Performance, Horizon 2020 (2016-19) DOI» 

Valuing and Evaluating Music Performance, Swiss National Science Foundation (2019-22) SNSF» 

ZikMus: Using Music to Meet the Psychosocial Needs of Families Affected by ZIKA Virus, British Academy (2019-22)

Zoning In: Motivating the Musical Mind, Leverhulme Trust (1999-02) 

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