Zoning In
Motivating the Musical Mind
Project team
Aaron Williamon, RCM (PI)
Christopher Connolly, Sporting Bodymind
John Gruzelier, Imperial
Adrian Taylor, DeMontfort University
Supported by
Leverhulme Trust (1999-02)
Learn more
Aiello R and Williamon A (2002), Memory, in R Parncutt and GE McPherson (eds), The Science and Psychology of Music Performance: Creative Strategies for Teaching and Learning (pp. 167-181), Oxford University Press.
Williamon A (ed) (2004), Musical Excellence: Strategies and Techniques to Enhance Performance, Oxford University Press. ISBN»
Thompson S and Williamon A (2003), Evaluating evaluation: musical performance assessment as a research tool, Music Perception, 21, 21-41. DOI»
Williamon A (2002), Memorising music, in J Rink (ed), Musical Performance: A Guide to Understanding (pp. 113-126), Cambridge University Press.
Williamon A and Egner T (2004), Memory structures for encoding and retrieving a piece of music: an ERP investigation, Cognitive Brain Research, 22, 36-44. DOI»
Williamon A and Thompson S (2004), Psychology and the music practitioner, in JW Davidson (ed), The Music Practitioner: Research for the Music Performer, Teacher, and Listener (pp. 9-26), Ashgate.
Williamon A and Valentine E (2000), Quantity and quality of musical practice as predictors of performance quality, British Journal of Psychology, 91, 353-376. DOI»
Williamon A and Valentine E (2002), The role of retrieval structures in memorizing music, Cognitive Psychology, 44, 1-32. DOI»
Williamon A, Valentine E, and Valentine J (2002), Shifting the focus of attention between levels of musical structure, European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 14, 493-520. DOI»