Luke Delmas is a Teaching Fellow in the Chemistry Department at Imperial College London. His teaching focuses on practical chemistry and experimental techniques. In addition to coordinating traditional lab-based practical sessions, Luke co-leads the Chemical Kitchen project which explores the concept of learning across disciplines. First year chemistry students immerse themselves in the world of gastronomy to develop skills in good laboratory practice and experimental design before conducting their first synthetic chemistry experiment. The project is rooted in the strong overlap between the skills and attributes of professional chefs with those required by chemists.
Luke graduated in 2011 from the University of the West Indies before completing an MPhil in 2013 at the same institution focused on developing new mechanically interlocked molecules. He subsequently joined Imperial College London as an MRes student in green chemistry, conducting research on new porous materials for carbon capture, graduating in 2015. The award of an Imperial College President’s PhD scholarship allowed him to continue his research on metal-organic and hydrogen-bonded frameworks built from organosilicon carboxylic acids, completing his PhD in 2019.
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